trauma and my leg pt 2

 The picture you see is what the NHS services did.  A metal plate surgically implanted into my leg.  They were responding to an accident which was for me an emergency. It's estimated that 50-70% of people will experience a trauma at some point in their life. 1 in 10 people in the UK are expected to experience PTSD at some point in th...
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  551 Hits

Trauma and my leg

My cry alerted two walkers, who asked if I was all right ? No, I have broken my leg.  They crashed their way into the garden and alerted Tracey.  The rain was getting heavier and I was feeling cold. She brought some blankets to keep me warm. The ambulance would be up to three hours.  The rain now was pouring down. Below is my story i...
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  539 Hits

Mixed Depression and Anxiety

                                           Photo by David Vázquez on Unsplash When clinical moderate to severe anxiety and depression is experienced at the same time (mixed anxiety and depression). I needs to be present for a minimum of fou...
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  534 Hits

The top box of your wellbeing toolbox

When trying out wellbeing tools ask yourself the following question:  How does using this tool make me feel / what are the benefits for me. When you have identified your own wellness tools it is useful to write them on a list.  Where possible, beside each one, describe what are the benefits for you and how the activities make you feel.&nb...
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  575 Hits

Men, toolboxes and wellbeing

Many men like tools because they are can release their full performance potential at home and at work.  Using the right tools with some practice, you can do almost anything.  You save time, money and feel proud, knowing that you are part of the "DIY group".  It's a win-win when you have the right tools to "get the job done". However,...
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  643 Hits

Money and poor Mental Health

Keeping warm in cold weather and being able to eat hot food is important to everyone.  We depend on gas and electricity to cook and heat out our homes. To guarantee this, means knowing you have enough money to pay your energy bills. To feel safe and guarantee this means knowing you have money set aside to pay your energy charges every month. T...
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  717 Hits

Suicide Prevention: more complex ?

 Have a read of below and ask your self : hero or coward ? A British ex-soldier who died fighting in Ukraine. The Kamikaze pilots: human bombs to destroy the US Navy. A businessman takes his life in an effort to avoid scandal and the pain of admitting his wrongdoing to his family. A husband who is overwhelmed with the long term effec...
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  719 Hits

Popular Gambling - relaxing or poor coping ?

It helps me unwind and forget the pressures of the work day. It's fun. Many that enjoy popular ways to gamble at home are at risk when using this way to relax. You are more at risk of of poor Mental Health than enjoying your well earning evening of rest.                      &nbs...
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  731 Hits

Man to Men Speaking Out

If men want to get together and socialise, they can do.  It can be at work or in a shared sports or leisure activities. They informally happen, no explicit, agreed social rules: anything goes.  They tend to happen for fun, a crack, a laugh and to discuss shared interests.  They are also used to gossip about others who do not kno...
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  905 Hits

Mental Health loneliness week 2022

 What is loneliness ? National Mind say that "we all feel lonely from time to time. Feelings of loneliness are personal, so everyone's experience of loneliness will be different". Feeling lonely isn't in itself a mental health problem, but the two are strongly linked. Having a mental health problem can increase your chance of feeling lonely. T...
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  879 Hits

What is Acute Stress Disorder ?

Acute stress reaction signs are similar to Acute Stress Disorder, these signs develop quickly over minutes or hours because you are responding to that stressful event but these signs settle fairly quickly.  No treatment may be needed, as signs usually go once the stressful event is over and you deal with it.  Understan...
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  773 Hits

Eating Disorder Awareness Week

 Eating disorders affect 1 in 50 people in the UK. The most common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa. In the UK, more than 725,000 men and women are affected by eating disorders. Recovery is possible, but we rely on our GPs to spot early warning signs that may have nothing to do with a person'...
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  959 Hits

Feeling judged pressure - pt 7

What are you worth ? How much are you really valued by others ? "good enough" mum or dad ? "loved enough" by your partner ? "liked enough" by your friends ? What about your line manager ? The most important, for many, is how much we are paid to do the job. The higher the salary, the more we feel valued. Is it just about the money ? What if your lin...
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  847 Hits

the pressure of feeling responsible pt 6

Why do we feel responsible ? To explore why, let me ask you: How responsible do you feel for your cat ?  Domestic cats are, by their nature, more independent than domestic dogs. You do not need to walk your cat everyday.  So your responsibility is less, a twice a day feed and the occasional stroke ?  However, if you are planning...
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  782 Hits

the pressure of importance pt 5

Physics is the science of matter, Everything is made of matter, including us.  All matter has the capacity to move. Motion involves energy: an invisible force. In physics, pressure can be thought of as the concentration of a force on an area (pressure = force ÷ area).  For example, if you use energy to press (apply pressure) to a drawing ...
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  811 Hits

Experiencing pressure in major life events pt 4

The phases of life that we usually find most difficult are life events where fundamental change happens: They are life transitions. For example : emerging into adulthood from university, settling down and having children, entering the menopause in middle age, retiring and facing old age with its accompanying health issues. Another transition is ent...
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  911 Hits

When pressure hits us "out of the blue" pt 3

Life is full of challenges and surprises.  As John Lennon sang in Beautiful Boy: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."  Life can surprise you when you least expect it.  Pressure can happen when life presents a challenge to you.  When something feels too big, too out of control or hard, challenge pre...
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  831 Hits

Pressure we feel everyday pt 2

Pressure inside us propels us to perform things that we need to do each day.  Everyday tasks at home and at work usually involve minimal pressure, just enough force to nudge you along a well-trodden path.  These lightweight "habit pressures" are familiar and routine, little or no conscious effort is needed.  Habit pressure occur for ...
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  988 Hits

What is pressure pt 1

 Without pressure in our lives, we are not human.  Differences between us will cease to exist, we would become "robot like".  Pressure is an important ingredient that makes our life more meaningful.  Pressure is everywhere: it flows across our relationships; It is the pressure at work that that ultimately makes your company...
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  838 Hits

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

                                           Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash SAD is about three times more common in women than it is in men, but men report more severe symptoms. SAD is most common in women during the years when they can ha...
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  859 Hits

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