The top box of your wellbeing toolbox

The top box of your wellbeing toolbox Photo by Антон Дмитриев on Unsplash

When trying out wellbeing tools ask yourself the following question: 

How does using this tool make me feel / what are the benefits for me.

When you have identified your own wellness tools it is useful to write them on a list. 

Where possible, beside each one, describe what are the benefits for you and how the activities make you feel. 

This is useful when you are  feeling strain pressure, distress or stress.

It will remind you why you should use your wellness tools in your daily routines.

                                                                                                           Photo by Victoria Tronina on Unsplash

Personalised Relax tools.

We all have times in our life when we need to unwind, de-stress or relax. It is important to identify what works for you! We are all individual so different things will work for different people. 

So ask yourself these four questions and start "tool making".

  • What do you do to relax?
  • How do you de-stress?
  • What helps you to unwind?
  • What relaxation techniques have you tried ?
  •                                                                                                              Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

    Wellbeing boosters : Hobbies and Interests

    My diversionary activities. Next think about activities that "take away" from your mind those daily hassles in your life. 

  • What do you love to do?
  • Make a list of the things you enjoy doing.
  • What activities distract you when you are not feeling so good?
  • You could list things you enjoyed doing as a child.

  • Include them in your Wellness Toolbox.

                                                                                                                         Photo by Taru Huhkio on Unsplash

    Wellbeing boosters : Creative Activities

    Do you do any creative activities ? Think may be surprised that you do !

    If creative arts appeal to you, do it playfully and expressively, don't concern yourself too much with proper techniques... just enjoy it. 

    At some time you might wish to focus on the quality of what you are making. 

    But for now it may be most helpful to just do it. 

    Don't judge yourself. Enjoy the materials you choose. 

    If you are not enjoying the process of creating, try different materials.

    If doing creative things helps you to feel better add them to your wellness toolbox.

                                                                                                                            Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash

    There is only one person who can write your wellness toolbox and that is YOU! 

    If you want to write one, consider :

  • How much time it takes you to do it
  • When you want to do it
  • What you want & don't want in it
  • How you use it
  •                                                                                                     Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

    In your wellbeing toolbox, you can include;

    Daily Maintenance List: Things I need to do each day to help me to stay well.

    Your daily maintenance plan is simply the things you need to do on a day to day basis in order for you to feel as well as possible. Its about taking personal responsibility for your own well being and lifestyle choices. Starting from when you wake up in a morning until you go to sleep at night what should you be including in your daily routine? Think about your wellness tools! How could you integrate them into your daily life?

    Alternately : As a bit of fun think about "My Perfect Day" Starting from when you wake up to when you go to sleep what would be your perfect day - be creative anything goes.

    Reminder List -Things to Consider Doing Each Day to Relieve Stress and Maintain My Wellness.

    We often know what things we need to do on a weekly basis to help our lives tick over smoothly. How many times do we say "oh I must remember to do that!" Make life easy for yourself and write yourself a Reminder List.

    Reading through this list daily and doing the things that need to be done can reduce the stress in your life & helps you to keep on track. You can tick off the things as you have achieved them or integrate them into your weekly routines.

    Next time, I will explore "worry stopping" tools.

    Mixed Depression and Anxiety
    Men, toolboxes and wellbeing


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